Welcome to the Circle

September 16, 2024

“Movement isn’t only meditation; it’s also medicine that heals the split between our minds and hearts, bodies and soul.”
- Gabrielle Roth

Welcome to the circle.

It’s been a long path of deep listening and trust in the unseen forces that have guided me over the past 6 years.

For many years I have seen an image of people gathering in circles each emerging from the other like ripples on water, moving out into larger and larger spaces. These are the places where our universal knowledge is brought forth and birthed into new form through the unique perspective that each of us brings forward to the world at this time. These are the spaces where many will gather together to heal and make sense of where we have come to as a civilization at this point in time. It is also the place where creative solutions are birthed into the new.

The Embodied Wisdom Mentorship Program has evolved over the last 6 years as I have been on a parallel path. This path has been very circular and not always clear. I was clear that this would be a place of gathering in the community to offer helpers, healers, wayshowers, leaders, and teachers a space to engage in their own deeper healing. I was also clear that the work in the circle included an invitation of renewal in the individual, ancestral, and collective fields of consciousness. I was clear that sound is a powerful medium of change and transformation. The circle indeed is a place where we bridge modern science and ancient principles. The circle is a place where we enter into embodied consciousness in and through the body to expand our capacity for attuned and embodied listening.

What is The Embodied Wisdom Mentorship program?

In sum, the Embodied Wisdom Mentorship program is a space to support our consciousness evolution through embodied explorations, deep self-inquiry, and group sharing. It is a place of awakening and recalibration of the sacred polarities within us. It is an opportunity to finally heal the core wounds of the inner child and to tend to the ancestral imprints that very much need our compassionate witnessing. Finally, it is a space to deepen our connection to universal wisdom through cultivating and nourishing our deeper ways of knowing.

Consciousness Evolution Involves:

  • Initiation into the Cosmic Whole
    Our cosmology is asking us to return to our roots which are well-known in indigenous wisdom traditions. This is an invitation into your soul blueprint by supporting you in engaging in your capacity for vulnerability, collaboration, and receptivity in relationships.
  • Healing the Core Wounds of the Inner Child
    A circular path toward a new cosmology invites collaboration as consciousness expands down from the crown chakra into the body (evolution) and comes into balance with our earthly experience (involution).
  • Recalibration of the Mind, Body, and Heart
    Rebalancing the nervous system and activation of the heart chakra supports a primary shift into greater coherence and flow in the physical, emotional, mental, and energetic body.
  • Realignment with Truth
    Connection to truth through a re-establishment with your pathways of knowing through deep intuition and inner guidance.
  • Reclaiming of Gifts
    You have within you gifts that are part of your soul blueprint that are waiting to come forward at this time.
  • Returning to the Earth
    When we see and know ourselves as Earth again we re-establish our connection to our cosmic blueprint and universal mother.
  • Restoring the Divine Marriage Within
    In balancing what psychologist Carl Jung referred to as the inner masculine and inner feminine archetypes, we come into a new cosmology or consciousness in the service of humanity and for the greater good.

Why Engage in this Mentorship?

Restoring the connection to ourselves by tending to our early relational experiences and inherited imprints opens the doorway for greater self-love, vitality, regulation, and access to our inner wisdom. It also invites us into greater attunement and relationality with others and re-establishes our sense of interconnectivity with all living beings on the planet. When we clear space inside the body by tending to our (trauma or attachment) wounds, we allow our greater consciousness to embody our form and participate in a bidirectional exchange of co-creation. We also become better keepers of the space for those around us as we create the conditions for deep transformative healing to occur through our own embodied presence. Through the activation and awakening of the sacred feminine, we begin a journey of self-love, authenticity, and unification of the heart, mind, and body. Since we are in essence made of earth (earth, fire, water, air, ether), this process supports us to shift into greater alignment with what the traditional wisdom cultures have known for centuries.

Welcome to the Circle.

I invite you to create a sacred space and become quiet, take off your shoes, and light a candle while you listen to this circle song - allowing yourself time and space to feel, move, and be touched in whatever way is meaningful at this time.

We Shall Be Known
Lyrics, Ma Muse

Note: Composer Karisha Longaker, of the duo MaMuse, first received this song through in a dream. She says: "I woke from a dream where two dear old musicals were beckoning me to come to my 'creative place'".

We shall be known by the company we keep
By the ones who circle round to tend these fires
We shall be known by the ones who sow and reap
The seeds of change, alive from deep within the earth
It is time now, it is time now that we thrive
It is time we lead ourselves into the well
It is time now, and what a time to be alive
In this Great Turning we shall learn to lead in love
In this Great Turning we shall learn to lead in love

Part 1
We shall be known by the company we keep
By the ones who circle round to tend these fires
We shall be known by the ones who sow and reap
The seeds of change, alive from deep within the earth

Part 2
It is time now, it is time now that we thrive
It is time we lead ourselves into the well
It is time now, and what a time to be alive
In this Great Turning we shall learn to lead in love
In this Great Turning we shall learn to lead in love

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