Awakening to Your Higher Self

September 23, 2024

Each morning for the past 2 years I have opened a channel to engage in direct conversation with my inner guidance through writing. Artists, poets, and musicians may speak of this as being in flow. Shamans and spiritual healers may speak of this as engaging in direct communication with our inner guidance or guides. I will begin to share these pages in future blogs. Today I share one of these writings with you, dear reader. It is simply me asking a question to my inner guidance and then writing the answer down.

If you do not have a practice of tuning into intuition through writing yet, I invite you to consider it as a daily practice in your life. In Sandra Ingermann’s book, Awakening to the Spirit World she takes you through each step in developing a personal connection to your helping spirits and inner wisdom. For Sandra, the core of shamanism is the experience of direct revelation—to communicate first-hand with your spiritual allies and discover your own power.

Today I use a combination of Sandra’s approach, or I do my writing in the Akashic Records (see links at end of the blog).

Here are the answers I wrote to that question above.

An example of my writing is below.

Help me to understand the teachings that need to be here currently in my mentorship program.

Embodied Relational Connection: our capacity to experience ourselves through our senses and the body allows the natural flow of life to move through us. This includes our ability to embrace our pain, sorrow, joy, and inspiration. Our relationship with ourselves (self-love) and others (connectivity and intimacy) are the primary pathways to growth and learning in life.

Spaciousness: when we are spacious with ourselves, we allow time to slow down so we can monitor our inside experience with conscious awareness and inner dialogue. We can track our internal reactions and observe them with mindfulness. With spaciousness within ourselves, we can also offer this to others as we hold the container for their inner exploration.

Attunement: is an energetic exchange occurring within us that includes all dimensions of the human experience (energetic, gross body, nervous system, emotions, thoughts). As we welcome the presence of non-duality as an extension of the physical world, we open to the layers of consciousness that are ready to be encountered and embraced as part of our multi-dimensionality. Just as water comes in many forms (ice, mist, water, fog) so do the layers of our experience and consciousness.

Compassionate Holding: the presence of grace is a gift we give ourselves and others as we allow ourselves to be touched by life. Even the most difficult aspects of the human experience can be held with grace. It is a matter of allowing and not fighting that which is truth. Often our greatest pain comes from our efforts to avoid our suffering. Can we hold both the pain and the magic of life simultaneously?

Receiving: in receiving we soften into the flow of life. We stop striving and begin to allow ourselves to be held and supported by what is around us (seen and unseen). This requires us to come into a new relationship with trust. How well do I trust myself? How well do I trust others? How well do I trust the universal wisdom?

Forgiveness: there is no greater gift than forgiveness. In forgiving, we allow ourselves to accept what is truth in the present moment without judgment, retribution, or condemnation. It is this release that opens the heart to a greater love.

Vulnerability: we cannot exist without vulnerability in our relationships. It is simply part and parcel of intimacy and human connection. To be vulnerable is to trust. To trust is to give a part of ourselves to another and “entrust” it to another. When we are vulnerable, we allow our challenges, moments of weakness, and pain to be held and shared by another. This is the bridge to true intimacy and to our sense of knowing that we are cared for and that we belong.

Opening the Heart: the heart is a portal to the soul and to many dimensions of existence that we have yet to encounter. It is the heart that paves the way for pure joy to be our companion. It is the heart that is our compass for the soul. To be aligned with the heart is to be aligned with the Source within. It is our birthright and our truth that we are discovering again currently.

Surrender: the greater mystery has yet to reveal itself to you. It is waiting to be seen and experienced. It is all that you can and could imagine in the greater dream that you are awakening from at this time. In this unfolding, we can experience any of the changes and challenges that are occurring through the frequency of hesitation, fear, and dismay or we can experience them through a frequency of excitement, wonder, and curiosity about what is unfolding. It is simply a matter of perspective.

A Simple Daily Practice for You:

Set aside 15-30 minutes a day in nature or in a quiet setting.

Tune inwards and connect to the earth.

Drop awareness into the heart.

Ask the question in an open-ended format that starts with “What does my inner
guidance want me to know about…?


Additional Examples:

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