Hi I’m Paula. My mission is to support individuals like yourself to liberate the Soul (Self) so you can come into more joy, passion, creativity, and soulful living!
Through a process of self-inquiry and embodied exploration, called Transformative Harmonics, I will help you break free of the self-limiting beliefs, behaviors, and patterns that keep you out of self-love or stuck in states of disconnection from your heart. This processing of re-birthing ourselves is not an easy task so having a mentor or guide will help to cut through some of the barriers and blocks that can arise in this inward journey of the Self.
I am here as a guide, facilitator, and doula. I am walking the path of soulful living and have been on this journey since the age of 17. I am honored to support you on your journey home to your deepest self. This weekly blog is a gift from me, to support you along the way.
Welcome to the Circle
“Movement isn’t only meditation; it’s also medicine that heals the split between our minds and hearts, bodies and soul.”- Gabrielle RothIt’s been a long