In 1990, Bob Lehnberg received his certification as Practitioner of Body-Mind Centering® (BMCsm) and in 2002 Teacher of Body-Mind Centering. Since then Bob has received teacher certifications for BMC Yoga, Integral Yoga and Supreme Science of Qigong. He has been teaching in schools of massage therapy and programs of somatic training since 1990 and has had the good fortune to teach BMC and somatic practices throughout the US and internationally in Europe, Canada, China, and Taiwan.
Bob is a co-founder of Kinesthetic Learning Center in Durham, NC and has been on faculty teaching and coordinating the BMC Somatic Movement Educator (SME) and Practitioner certification programs since 2007. He is coordinator of SME courses for Esprit en Mouvement in Montreal, Canada and is Co-director of the SME program in Taitung, Taiwan.
He is offering courses that bring together qigong and embryology, a time in healing earliest experiences that can be very fruitful. I wrote about this saying, Sometimes You Gotta Go Back To Go Forward, a saying that Bob shared with me from his teacher, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. The embryological movement sequences he teaches allow us to go back before the trauma and fully embody our whole selves.
Podcast 10: Using Your Pain and Suffering as a Pathway to Awakening
10: Using Your Pain and Suffering as a Pathway to AwakeningHave you ever considered that the pain and struggles you've endured could actually be