Podcast: Why Your Consciousness Creates Your Biology with Bruce Lipton

July 23, 2020

Why are you the way that you are? Were you born this way or have you conditioned yourself to be this way? Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D is here to answer this pressing question. Dr. Lipton is a stem cell biologist, author of The Biology of Belief, and an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. H has spent decades examining the mechanisms by which cells receive and process information and his findings have radically changed our understanding of life–showing that genes and DNA do not control our biology. What does control our biology? In this episode of the Align Podcast, Dr. Lipton explains how our consciousness, not our DNA, ultimately determines our biology and how our bodies can be changed by retraining our conscious thoughts.

What is discussed: 08:05 - Three different culture-mediums 09:50 - Why our brain is the chemist of our lives 12:45 - Your consciousness is creating your biology 14:40 - Concept of manipulation. 15:00 - The brain is a computer, everything is programmable 18:15 - Delta consciousness 21:00 - Epi-genetics. 22:45 - We are in charge of the genetics. We are not victims. 23:15 - Consciousness is creating your experiences. 25:20 - Concious mind manifests wishes and desires. 28:30 - Programming in the sub-concious mind. 30:00 - Concious vs sub-conscious. 31:00 - Self-sabotaging programs and victimhood 34:30 - The honeymoon effect 41:00 - The heart transplant effect 47:00 - "The spirit is not in your body, the body is in your spirit." 52:30 - Bad behaviour, negative programs and it's connection to suboncsciouness 53:20 - Reprogramming our mind 59:30 - Covid through death and fear 01:00:45 - Vibration theta 01:05:30 - Coherence between your program and your life experience 01:08:00 - Feng Shui and quantum physics 01:09:40 - Illusion of the physical world 01:10:30 - Harmony and disharmony 01:17:30 - Finding the ultimate balance 01:17:45 - How do you actively question the heart?

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