Biofield Therapy

Create new pathways for embodiment, liberation, and empowered living.

"Our pain is often our greatest teacher. When we go in and through the body, we restore the distortions and bring the inner child back into alignment with truth."

Transformative Harmonics® offers a unique approach to Biofield Therapy integrating ancient wisdom and curriculum with modern science.

In this online course and ongoing mentorship, you will find tools to help you navigate the changes that are happening in humanity today.

  • Awaken to the wisdom that is already within you.
  • Heal the wounds of separation from your relationship with all of life.
  • Embark on a journey of empowerment.
  • Transmute intergenerational wounds.
  • Restore the inner child.
  • Discover self-leadership.
  • Become the best version of yourself.

This course blends ancient wisdom, energy psychology, and somatics to accelerate your personal or professional growth opening you to new pathways for embodiment, liberation, and empowered living.

This unique version of biofield therapy offers participants an opportunity to take our courses remotely live in-person with additional support through a self-paced online class.

Biofield Therapy Practitioner Courses Includes:

  • Official Holy Fire Reiki III® Manuals: Digital Version Only (hardcopy can be purchased by student).
  • An online course (videos and podcasts) to enhance and supplement the in-person learning.
  • Bonus course content to address new perspectives on the human biofield from Biofield Tuning® anatomy.
  • Bonus course content to learn to work with Embodied Wisdom.
  • Live remote group sessions that include placements, experiences, and Q&A.
  • Partner practice sessions.
  • A Certificate of Usui Holy Fire Reiki III® Completion: Reiki I, II, and Master Level at the end of each course.

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki means “universal life force” known as “prana” in Sanskrit. Reiki is known today as an integrative therapy brought here from Japan that is used for stress reduction, healing trauma, and balancing the mind, body, and spirit.

Rei: generally means a combination of the following: higher mind - universal (higher levels of consciousness) beyond the ego, lower mind - the earth (elements), and the middle path (the human aspects of being that are a combination of body, mind, and spirit).
This supports the person offering Reiki as being a bridge between the wisdom and guidance of the unseen and the living breathing aspects of the physical world.

Ki: is what is referred to as "life force" or Chi in Chinese, or vital energy in Vedic texts. Ki is also the primary energy of emotions and thoughts. Ki is the energy that healing arts practitioners are taping into in their work with clients.

Reiki: has an intelligence of its own that works with the intelligence or organicity of the body and the client who is receiving it. It is not "directed" by a practitioner other than to "open the space" and trust the intelligence of the system to know how to shift in the right conditions.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) offers research on Reiki.


Current Reiki practice can be traced to the spiritual teachings of Mikao Usui in Japan during the early 20th century. Usui's teachings included meditative techniques and hands-on practices. One of Usui's students, Chujiro Hayashi, further developed the hands-on practices, placing less emphasis on the meditative techniques. An American named Hawayo Takata learned Reiki from Hayashi in Japan and introduced it to Western cultures in the late 1930s. The type of Reiki practiced and taught by Hayashi and Takata may be considered traditional Reiki. Numerous variations of Reiki have since been developed and are currently practiced. Each person who comes to Reiki training will be drawn to a particular Reiki path and no one type of Reiki energy is better than another.

A more detailed history of Reiki can be found in Miles and True’s (2003) article, “Reiki- Review of a Biofield Therapy History, Theory, Practice and Research.” In Alternative Therapies Vol. 9, #2.,pp. 63 & 64.

The Evolution of the Reiki Energy

What is Holy Fire® III Reiki?

Holy Fire® III Reiki is a refined type of Reiki energy that was integrated into the Western Reiki community by William Rand in 2015.

Holy Fire® III Reiki went through a series of revisions and upgrades in 2018 through William Rand and Colleen Benelli who also was trained in Shamanism. This version is now taught using a series of simple ignitions and placements to activate or tune a student to this vibrational frequency.

A key aspect of the Holy Fire® III Reiki is that it supports the realization of the Authentic Self or Source consciousness. This involves a shedding of the egoic mind in service of the greater whole through the embodiment of the life force through the physical body and our emotional experiences. This involves healing our core trauma in the body and deconditioning the mind from the culturally conditioned self in favor of a more coherent and attuned experience of being that is aligned with our harmonic resonance.

Learning Environment: Hybrid Course Format

When we learn something new it is helpful to stay engaged with the content and embodied explorations and have support in its application over time rather than just over a weekend workshop. I have created this course to support different learning styles, including written material, videos, and podcasts. You will engage with the course through a self-paced online class in addition to the traditional manual. The course will include additional material that is specific to my teaching about biofield therapy. I will offer verbal live instruction in our online class with room for Q&A. In the live Zoom class, you will receive your attunements as well as additional healing experiences to support your integration of the content.

Preparation for Optimal Learning:

  • Reserve time for integration before and after our class meetings
  • Hydrate well before and after our meetings
  • Refrain from caffeine 24 hours before and after
  • Purchase a journal to keep connected to your inner process
  • Have your video system set up and the course content complete before we meet each time
  • Students are also required to set time aside for partner practice sessions over Zoom in between our meetings one time per week.

Students are also required to set time aside for partner practice sessions over Zoom in between our meetings one time per week.

Dates and Times:

Friday/Sat Hybrid Options

Reiki I: Jan 24th 10:00am-3:00pm ET
Reiki II: Jan 31st 10:00am-3:00pm ET


Reiki I: Feb 28th 10:00am-3:00pm ET
Reiki II: March 7th 10:00am-3:00pm ET


This course is part of the Mentorship Experience.  

**If you would like to take this outside of the mentorship experience, the investment is $545.  
Please contact Paula for details.