Unified Self Mini Course
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a more connected and harmonious self?
This mini course provides a brief introduction to the 7-week immersive course. Paula offers an integrative perspective on the body’s role in healing of the inner child. Discover why the inner child is the pathway to a deeper reunion with the self and an increased access to our gifts as multidimensional beings.

What Is Included?
This course includes a sample of the meditations, practices, and teachings from the immersive course and a brief overview of:
Course Highlights:
The Journey to Wholeness through the Inner Child
How Sound Healing Works
Modern Psychoacoustics: The SSP
How Relationships Shape Us
Why Is it Important to Work on Our Core Wounds?
Somatic Experiencing Tracking During SSP
The Earth and Ancestors As Helpers
Meeting Your Inner Child

Why Enroll?
What Is Included?
This course includes a sample of the meditations, practices, and teachings from the immersive course and a brief overview of:

Course Highlights:
The Journey to Wholeness through the Inner Child
How Sound Healing Works
Modern Psychoacoustics: The SSP
How Relationships Shape Us
Why Is it Important to Work on Our Core Wounds?
Somatic Experiencing Tracking During SSP
The Earth and Ancestors As Helpers
Meeting Your Inner Child
Why Enroll?

This mini course is only $150.
To get started, click the button below.
I look forward to sharing this human journey with you!
Meet Paula Marie
Teacher * Guide * Writer * Speaker * Earth-Based Practices * Ancient Wisdom
Paula is a Master teacher of the healing arts who is recognized for bridging science, psychology, somatics, and sound. Paula has facilitated groups for over 30 years on embodied healing practices and experiential psychology through somatics, yoga, sound, and movement.
She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Healing Arts Practitioner, writer, and mentor for those who are seeking to integrate psychology, somatics, sound, and spirituality. Paula has treated thousands of people struggling to find safe embodiment, deeper connection to their inner knowing, and more direct expression of the authentic self. She is the co-developer of the original Ai Pono treatment center in Hawaii and the co-creator of the Embodied Recovery Institute in NC.
Her work is featured in publications such as The Safe and Sound Protocol, The SE-SSP guidelines, and Trauma-Informed Approaches for Eating Disorders. She is also known for bringing cutting-edge perspectives to eating disorders treatment programs at institutions such as Duke University.
Paula is a Somatic Experiencing and Biofield Tuning Practitioner. Her acoustic sound labs offer a unique approach to modern sound healing that facilitates deep and transformative healing in the inner child.

Get Started Now
This mini course is only $150.
To get started, click the button below.
I look forward to sharing this human journey with you!