Are You Ready for A New Paradigm of Living?

Consciousness Evolution Involves:

  • Initiation into the Cosmic Whole
    Our cosmology is asking us to return to our roots which are well-known in indigenous wisdom traditions. This is an invitation into your soul blueprint by supporting you in engaging in your capacity for vulnerability, collaboration, and receptivity in relationships.
  • Healing the Core Wounds of the Inner Child
    A circular path toward a new cosmology invites collaboration as consciousness expands down from the crown chakra into the body (evolution) and comes into balance with our earthly experience (involution).
  • Recalibration of the Mind, Body, and Heart
    Rebalancing the nervous system and activation of the heart chakra supports a primary shift into greater coherence and flow in the physical, emotional, mental, and energetic body.
  • Realignment with Truth
    Connection to truth through a re-establishment with your pathways of knowing through deep intuition and inner guidance.
  • Reclaiming of Gifts
    You have within you gifts that are part of your soul blueprint that are waiting to come forward at this time.
  • Returning to the Earth
    When we see and know ourselves as Earth again we re-establish our connection to our cosmic blueprint and universal mother.
  • Restoring the Divine Marriage Within
    In balancing what psychologist Carl Jung referred to as the inner masculine and inner feminine archetypes, we come into a new cosmology or consciousness in the service of humanity and for the greater good.