03: Paula’s Journey of Embodiment: Movement, Somatics, and Sound As Portals to the Embodied Self
How can devotion and somatic practices like dance, movement, and sound serve as portals to deeper self-awareness and healing?
Welcome to episode 03 of the Embodied: Step Into You Podcast with your hosts Paula Scatoloni and Leslie Rhyne. In this episode, Paula and Leslie discuss the movie Inside Out and move into profound personal stories that are met with transformative practices.
Leslie reflects on the concept of devotion from a conversation she had over dinner with her yoga teacher and gains deep insights from her teacher, who is a lifelong classical Indian sitar player. Paula then opens up about her own evolution from a happy child who found dance and movement in spirituality. She shares her somatic experiencing (SE) journey and explains why it's so important to connect all the dots for healing the body. Leslie and Paula dive deeper into how presence in relationships can support a broader range of self-healing avenues through other therapeutic domains.
The episode concludes with a meditation from Leslie, inviting you to call in the unconscious and invite your child archetype, connecting with the gifts they bring.
In this episode, you will hear:
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Leslie Rhyne
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